Modern published status report shows old date and not published date
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Modern published status report shows old date and not published date


Article ID: 247770


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Clarity PPM SaaS


Modern published status report shows old date and not published date

1- Modern and Open a Project
2- Go to "Status" module
3- Take note of the current date and time on your desktop
for example it is currently 8/10/2022 at 1:48 pm
4- The current status report displays with the date
it was created as part of the file name.
for example: Status_Report_2022-08-09 13:36:37
5- Type in text in the Status Report Update field
6- Click Preview, note your changes to the field
7- Click Publish
8- Return to the Status Report list

Expected Results: Recent Published Status report reflect the date it was published both in its name and the name of the PDF attachment

Actual Results:  Recent Published Status report reflect the date it was created both in its name and the name of the PDF attachment, and not the date it was modified and published

Publish another Status report that has the current date/time right away


Release : Any


  • Prior to 16.1.0, this is by design
  • We have introduced functionality of ‘setting Current Date as Report date on Preview’ – Reference "Status Reports: Set Report Date to Current Date on Preview" in 16.1.0 to add a the date option
  • Please refer to Report Date on Status report on how to set the option on your environment if you are on 16.1.0 and higher