dirscan probe - How to alarm based on the number of files in a directory
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dirscan probe - How to alarm based on the number of files in a directory


Article ID: 247703


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


I have a client requirement to generate an alarm if there is one or more .log files under a specific folder. The normal state should have 0 log files in the folder.



Release : 20.4

Component : UIM - DIRSCAN


Under Number of files tab at Watch set Expect this value to < 1, to alarm when there is one or more matching files. 


Additional Information

This can be applied for any number.  For example if you want an alert if there are more than 200 files, you would put "< 200" for the expected value.  Then if 201 or more files are found, an alarm is sent.