CVE-2022-34169: Is Identity and Governance Administration affected?
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CVE-2022-34169: Is Identity and Governance Administration affected?


Article ID: 247674


Updated On:


CA Identity Suite


Is Identity Manager affected by this (CVE-2022-34169) vulnerability? 


The Identity Manager application is not impacted by the vulnerabilities (CVE-2022-34169) that exist in xalan.jar.

CVE-2022-34169:   The Apache Xalan Java XSLT library is vulnerable to an integer truncation issue when processing malicious XSLT stylesheets.


The xalan.jar cannot be removed--its code is used in several places unrelated to the CVE.

Let your security team know that the product is not susceptible to CVE-2022-34169 but the jar file is still required.

Additional Information

The open JDK project which includes a repackaged copy of xalan has addressed this issue.