A lot of our clients get this block page while using web isolation :
" isolation resource shareddomain.html is not accessible"
As it happens a lot, to temporarily fix, the cache is cleared, on the client browser, and cookies are allowed.
Fur the investigation required.
Attempts to reproduce the issue wasn't successful, as access to Whatsappweb.net was successful. The issue is known to be intermittent.
As we checked further, we saw that the gateways still run WI version 1.13. Following this, we mentioned that this appears to be a buggy behavior, particularly since it isn't reproducing in WI 1.16, as checked in our lab environment. See the snippet below. This wasn't tested in WI 1.14:50, since I do not have this version in my lab environment.
A upgrade to WI 1.14:50 is recommended and should the experience recur in 1.14:50. This upgrade is necessary because a bug fix on version 1.13 may be a tough call.
For guidance on how the customer may upgrade the fireglass software, please refer to the below.
If you have a distributed environment (the Management, Proxy and TIE reside on different machines) then the following steps should be repeated for each of the machines.
Find out the build number string for the build you wish to upgrade to. Search for a string in this pattern:
fireglass_install_<build number> e.g. fireglass_install_1.14.12-beta+231
or alternatively
”fireglass_build_version": "<build number>" e.g. ”fireglass_build_version": "1.14.12-beta+231"
SSH to the machine that you want to upgrade
sudo screen
sudo fgcli system upgrade to-version <build number string which you found in step 1>
for example:
sudo fgcli system upgrade to-version 1.14.12-beta+231
Wait for the upgrade to complete. You will see “Upgrade successful!”
Sometimes after inserting the upgrade command you will see some error telling you that the build was not found or something similar. In that case you should perform the upgrade in a different manner. You will need to download the ISO file of the build to the machine. Follow he following steps:
Copy the link, including the apostrophes that are surronding it
For example: "https://fgl-fileserver.s3.amazonaws.com/fireglass_builds/nightly/1.14.19-beta%2B298/fireglass_install_1.14.19-beta%2B298.iso?Signature=4RmFboVBXc8thFFnXYrt0ybmVYE%3D&Expires=1592346405&AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIAJYG5B2WNQ3XUBQ&versionId=mtdKt1.rk9KQ7w2x6Ux1mDzWjqCMO.PC"
In the machine type wget <the url of the iso [including the apostrophes that are surronding it]> -O <name you want to give to the iso file>
Please pay attention that the “O” in the previous step is a capital O.
sudo screen
sudo fgcli system upgrade from-path <the iso file name>