E150004: An error occurred during authentication. Authentication between CA WCC and EEM failed
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E150004: An error occurred during authentication. Authentication between CA WCC and EEM failed


Article ID: 247646


Updated On:


Autosys Workload Automation


After rebooting the Autosys application servers, we are unable to connect to WCC. 

Following error message is given

E150004: An error occurred during authentication. Authentication between CA WCC and EEM failed.

What can we check ?


Note: Error could also manifest as  E150003


Release : 11.3.6



1. check if following processes are up and running by executing 

ps -ef | grep dxserver

you should see a process like this
       dsa       12434      1  0 Aug05 ?        00:03:01 dxserver start itechpoz

if not found, please execute following command to start it
      su - dsa -c "dxserver start all"

ps -ef | grep igateway

you should see 2 processes like this
      root      12605      1  1 Aug05 ?        00:40:05 ./igateway -b
      root      12624      1  0 Aug05 ?        00:00:15 /bin/sh ./WDigateway.sh

if not found, please start igateway using command
    if not found, please execute following command to start it
        $IGW_LOC/S99igateway start

2. if above processes are running, please try to login into EEM UI using eiamadmin userid

NOTE: If EEM is configured for an external user store, check the configuration in EEM to ensure it is still binding properly.

Log into EEM UI > Configure > User Store
Ensure the hostname and ports are still valid
Check the bind user password and ensure it is correct.


3. if you can login into EEM UI, please try to stop/start again both CA-wcc and CA-wcc-services. 
    if problem remains, please take create following tar file

tar -cvf /tmp/wcc_log.tar $CA_WCC_INSTALL_LOCATION/log/CA-wcc*

    and attach wcc.log.tar file to the case.

4. Please provide the output of following command which will give us version of WCC and eventual patches that have been applied