Staffing Workspace: Role Replacements
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Staffing Workspace: Role Replacements


Article ID: 247575


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Broadcom has announced that Staffing Plan workspace is being deprecated and replaced by the Staffing workspace.

How should a role be replaced by a resource in the Staffing workspace?


  1. The Staffing Plan workspace uses the Requests portlet
  2. The Staffing workspace > Staff Grid offers an easy way to replace a role with a resource
  3. Filter by the Resource/Investment combination to perform the replacement on
  4. Edit the Resource column and search for the replacement resource
  5. Select the Resource that will replace the role

Once done, you will get the below toaster message: Replacement Successful


Note :  The 'replacement' can also be accomplished in the Allocation Timeline using drag-n-drop or using the flyout

Additional Information

Staffing Plan Workspace in 16.1.2+

MUX Staffing vs Staffing Plan