During 8.5 CSE (Oracle 19c DB) troubleshooting a user enabled Oracle 11g 32-bit client side tracing in the sqlnet.ora file.
After CSE service restart it was noticed that after the CSE processes connected to the database the corresponding client_nnnn.trc file(s) contained "ORA-01403: no data found
" messages for SELECT statements on CSE table DXCPID and Oracle Database view NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS.
Gen Client Server Encyclopedia
Support tested a Gen 8.5 CSE/Oracle 19c DB environment and enabled the Oracle 11g 32-bit client sqlnet.ora file to have similar Oracle client trace settings i.e. sqlnet.ora contained:
TRACE_FILE_CLIENT = client.trc
TRACE_DIRECTORY_CLIENT = C:\app\oracle\product\19.0.0\client_1\network\trace
After restarting the CSE, for every CSE (Oracle client) process that connected to the Oracle DB, the corresponding client_nnnn.trc file that was created showed similar "ORA-01403: no data found
" messages for the SELECTs on CSE table DXCPID and Oracle Database view NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS. However they did not observe any CSE usage problems.
Support also saw the same messages using a Gen 8.6 CSE connecting to Oracle 19c Database using a Oracle 19c 32-bit client with sqlnet.ora tracing enabled. Again there were no CSE usage problems.
Therefore the "ORA-01403: no data found
" messages are expected behaviour when viewing Oracle client trace files and there should be no concerns.