Upgrading Bridge for Git from version 2.10.3 to 2.11.0 and promptly faced errors with Endevor Connections.
Web services instances is secured (HTTPS) and the certificates is correctly uploaded to the truststore for Bridge on a z/Linux machine. The certificates were still valid at the time of the upgrade.
Logging into the Bridge for Git server remains possible, but All Endevor Connections issues “SSL Encryption” errors:
There was no change in Bridge for Git that should have affected the existing Endevor Connections.
There were updates to several of the underlying libraries, but these should not have caused such SSL exception errors.
Release : 18.1
Component : BRIDGE FOR GIT
Research into SSL exceptions related to Java led to the discovery that IBM Java does not always behave the same way as distributed Java implementations.
With respect to SSL settings and particularly certain versions, it became necessary to have a specific parameter defined when running Java applications:
This option ensures that the SSLContext.getInstance(“TLS”) behaves the same way in IBM Java as it does in Oracle.
When facing a similar issue using IBM Java, activate this option in Bridge for Git.
For further information, please read knowledge document "Matching the behavior of SSLContext.getInstance("TLS") to Oracle"