Error setting value for field [ Parent ]: Cannot use type PortfolioItem in attribute Parent. Value must be of type User Story.
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Error setting value for field [ Parent ]: Cannot use type PortfolioItem in attribute Parent. Value must be of type User Story.


Article ID: 247428


Updated On:


Rally SaaS


When attempting to add a user story to a portfolio item, the following error is seen:

Error setting value for field [ Parent ]: Cannot use type PortfolioItem in attribute Parent. Value must be of type User Story.


This can be caused if certain attributes are present in the parent item's URL and can be an issue, particularly if accessing the item via a bookmark.



To resolve this, it is necessary to recreate the bookmark so it doesn't contain the conflicting attributes in the URL

  1. Delete the old bookmark
  2. Search for the portfolio item to get a clean URL
  3. Bookmark this link