Delete Timesheets for old periods in the system
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Delete Timesheets for old periods in the system


Article ID: 247288


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Having old timesheets in the system going years back, and the total timesheet amount in the system is several million. How to safely some of them to improve performance on Timesheet Grid whilst keeping the actuals? 


Release : Any


Ensure you check your company's retention policy, on how long the timesheets have to be kept. The steps below will delete the timesheets, timeeentries and timesheet notes only.


  1. Ensure all the financials jobs have run including
    • Post Timesheets
    • Post Transactions to Financials
    • Post to WIP
    • Import Financial Actuals
    • Post Actuals to Investment
    • Update Financial Plan Actuals and Forecast
  1. Ensure there is no entries in Invalid Transactions - address all errors until everything is posted
  2. Ensure ppa_transcontrol and imp_transactionimport are empty
  3. Backup tables prtimesheet and prtimeentry in the database for future historical reference
  4. Now Mark the timeperiods as Closed
  5. Now select some of the Closed timeperiods and mark for deletion.
    • Make sure not to do more than 10 at a time as a large amount at once could make the job run very long or exhaust the memory
  1. Now run the job Delete Investments and Time Reporting Periods without selecting any parameter
    • All the timesheets and timeentries for those periods will be deleted
    • The actuals in WIP, on the project, the cost plans etc. will remain.