We have a process to create a project from a custom object based on a few fields. It worked before and did not make any changes to it. But now it is not working as expected.
Release : 15.9.2
Component : Clarity Process Management
<XOGOutput xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../xsd/status.xsd">
<Object type="project"/>
<Status elapsedTime="4.422 seconds" state="FAILURE"/>
<Statistics failureRecords="1" insertedRecords="0" totalNumberOfRecords="1" updatedRecords="0"/>
<column name="ID">5006000</column>
<column name="name">A1 Test</column>
<column name="UNIQUE_NAME">a1test_md</column>
<Description>Project Object update failed</Description>
<Exception><![CDATA[CMN-0009: Attribute 'static mvl' has invalid Lookup Value 'one']]></Exception>
One of the custom attribute lookup value was inactivated causing a failure to create project via XOG.