Actual Cost being calculated for resources not financially enabled
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Actual Cost being calculated for resources not financially enabled


Article ID: 247213


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


We have resources who are not financially enabled but ACWP (assignment level) is calculating from some of these resources.

Why is that?



Release : 16.0.1

Component : Clarity Financial Management


If Role is used in the rate matrix and the resource has a role, the costs will be calculated based on this matching row in the matrix.

Note: The rate matrix extraction job will need to run for costs to show when timesheets post.


If the role is then taken off the resource it is difficult to identify these.

The costs can be removed if they were calculated by accident.



To fix these

Support needs to complete step 4.  But prior steps can be completed beforehand.


1. Create or reuse a row in the matrix with a role of rate/cost = 0

2. Put that project role (on the team) for the resources who you want to fix.

3.  Run Rate Matrix Extraction job with options 2,3

4. Open a case to have support run the repair utility. This will take the matching 0 rate row from the matrix table.

5. Validate 

6. Remove the role from the team resources

7. Run Rate Matrix Extraction job again with options 2 and 3