Is Easytrieve Plus Report Generator Toolkit compatible with z/OS 2.5? Where is this documented?
Are any PTFs specifically needed for z/OS 2.5 to be compatible with this product?
Easytrieve Plus Report Generator, release 2.0 0112
This URL address contains the information for all of the products within the Easytrieve family:
There is not a separate item for each of the products within the Easytrieve family. However, there are no compatibility issues and no reported problems with z/OS 2.5 and the Easytrieve Plus Report Generator Toolkit product. No specific PTFs for Toolkit are needed.
Based on the fact that the Easytrieve Plus Report Generator Toolkit consists of macros which are invoked within the Easytrieve programs, the compatibility of a z/OS release should not ever require a PTF for the Toolkit product.