EXPDT parameter Usage with XCOM for z/OS
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EXPDT parameter Usage with XCOM for z/OS


Article ID: 247181


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XCOM Data Transport - z/OS


Are there any knows issues and fixes around usage of  EXPDT parameter?

When we use EXPDT in yyddd format, century 1900 is used instead of 2000.

For example, when we specify EXPDT=22215, XCOM is defining an expiration date of 1922/08/03 instead of 2022/08/03. However, specifying EXPDT=2022/215 works correctly and sets expiration date to 2022/08/03.


XCOM™ Data Transport® for z/OS


 A two digit year is always treated as 19yy.


After doing some research it was found that the IBM EXPDT parameter, in a format of yyddd, is not supported by z/OS for 21st century. A two digit year is always treated as 19yy. Here is the link to the IBM documentation EXPDT confirming that.

See EXPDT in the online documentation for XCOM for z/OS