Hierarchy - Bulk Edit is not working correctly in the RICs instances inside of the hierarchy
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Hierarchy - Bulk Edit is not working correctly in the RICs instances inside of the hierarchy


Article ID: 247102


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Using Bulk Edit on Risks, Issues, or Changes Modules or Status Reports in a Hierarchy is not working and generates an error. 

Steps to Reproduce: 

  1. Create a Hierarchy and import 2 projects which have the Risks, Issues, Changes (RICs) and status reports 
  2. Try to do the Bulk edit on the few instances 

Expected Results: Bulk Edit on RICs or Status Report records should work as expected and update the data. 

Actual Results: An error is thrown and RICs or Status Report records are not updated. 

Workaround: Use Bulk Edit inside the Investment Module instead of inside the Hierarchy RICs or Status Modules. 


Release 16.0.3 




Not Reproducible.  No Code Change.