This is the use case where a user makes a change, from example, moves a to do to a completed status and then realizes it needs to move back to open, without any refresh or change in between.
Steps to Reproduce:
- Create checklist with To Dos having different statuses
- Create a smartlist with above created To Dos
- Navigate to above created smartlist
- Select the Columns = Status and Sort = Name as filters in Boardview
- Select a card in Open state column and move (using move to column option) to Completed state column (do not refresh the page or do not change the filter options)
- Immediately move back the above selected card to original column (Completed to Open) --> Observe that column is successfully moved to Open column
- Now refresh the page or change the filter Columns = Status and Sort = Name or Date or Owner
Expected Results: The card was moved back to Open status column.
Actual Results: The card is still in Completed status column.