To Do is not retained in original column when we move the card between columns (double edit)
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To Do is not retained in original column when we move the card between columns (double edit)


Article ID: 247097


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


This is the use case where a user makes a change, from example, moves a to do to a completed status and then realizes it needs to move back to open, without any refresh or change in between. 

Steps to Reproduce: 

  1. Create checklist with To Dos having different statuses
  2. Create a smartlist with above created To Dos 
  3. Navigate to above created smartlist 
  4. Select the Columns = Status and Sort = Name as filters in Boardview 
  5. Select a card in Open state column and move (using move to column option) to Completed state column (do not refresh the page or do not change the filter options) 
  6. Immediately move back the above selected card to original column (Completed to Open) --> Observe that column is successfully moved to Open column 
  7. Now refresh the page or change the filter Columns = Status and Sort = Name or Date or Owner 

Expected Results: The card was moved back to Open status column. 

Actual Results: The card is still in Completed status column. 


Release 16.0.3 




Resolved in 16.1.0