When running a Windows Agent installation, the installation fails with the below error:
C:\AppWorx932\HPIA64.LINUX.WINDOWS\internal_adoptopenjdk_8\bin>java.exe -cp v9\* -DLIB_HOME=v9 -DDEBUG=true -Dlog=C:\AM93RRT\AppWorx_Debug.log com.appworx.install.Install
Error: Could not find or load main class com.appworx.install.Install
Release : 9.3, 9.4
Component : Applications Manager
Java is not installed
Install a compatible version of Java.
If Java is installed, set the following environment variables:
JAVA_HOME should equal to the path of the Java installation (where the bin directory exists)
PATH environment variable contains multiple paths values. Ensure that JAVA_HOME\bin is found first in PATH.