Document rights for non-participants vs. project team members/participants in Clarity MUX
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Document rights for non-participants vs. project team members/participants in Clarity MUX


Article ID: 246887


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Modern UX and document access setup requirement for project and non-project members:

  • A project member (pure MUX user) 
    may see documents,BUT MAY NOT edit or even delete them
  • A non-project member (member of a special group) 
    must be able to store and edit documents

We did not find sufficient document rights (View, Edit administer documents etc.) to make them capable of document management as they are neither participants nor project members.


Clarity 16.0.2 Modern UX Administration.


As per the current security design in clarity there are no specific document access right(s) or configuration options that can help to accomplish this requirement in modern UX. By default, in modern UX, project managers and team members can view, edit, upload, download, delete, and add tags for all documents associated with their project.

Access to specific documents varies based on:

  • Non-team members with the Project Edit access right can view and edit all documents.
  • Non-team members with the Project View access rights can view and download documents.

In classic PPM however there are still options to setup more granular or custom document access, by configuring collaboration folders and documents for non-participants.

For reference: KB 21223  :How To Configure Collaboration Folders and Documents for Non-Participants

Customers can still raise this requirement with Clarity Product management via the office hours call. 

Questions or suggestions regarding the future Clarity roadmap? Product Management Office Hours details