DB2 option: is it being used with Easytrieve programs?
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DB2 option: is it being used with Easytrieve programs?


Article ID: 246803


Updated On:


Easytrieve Report Generator


How is the PanSQL product used and how to tell if it is being used?


Pan/SQL, release 2.4C


In order to confirm if the Easytrieve DB2 option is being used, please first know that this is used with Easytrieve DB2 programs/applications.

Ways to confirm this are:
1. Check for the LMP key 'TZ', which you have already confirmed is installed.
2. Check your Easytrieve JCL for DB2 libraries or Easytrieve programs for DB2 statements. 
3.  If the DB2 option is being used, then DQ* modules will be installed into a CAIMAC library for the Pan/SQL library.