We need to configure the mongodb probe to use a TLS connection to the mongodb.
Release: 20.3+
This document assumes that the DBA already has set the MongoDB setup to use TLS.
1. Get a copy of the public key <server>.pem (entity) file from your DBA or security team for this server.
2. In a preferred location run the following command to create the truststore that will be used by the mongodb probe:
keytool -importcert -alias <alias> -file <server>.pem -keystore truststore.jks
note: This will ask for a password to be used for the new truststore, and if you want to trust the certificate, select yes.
3. Configure the probe to use the newly created truststore for both the keystore and the truststore.
4. Deactivate and Activate the probe.
If your setup requires a client certificate as well then that would be imported into a keystore.jks that would be defined in the probe configuration.