Uninstall the Endpoint Protection client using the Host Integrity Policy
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Uninstall the Endpoint Protection client using the Host Integrity Policy


Article ID: 246599


Updated On:


Endpoint Protection


Uninstall the Endpoint Protection client using the Host Integrity Policy


14.x versions 


Un-installation of Symantec endpoint protection application for multiple computers


Get-WmiObject Win32_Product | Where-Object{$_.Name -like 'Symantec*'}

1. Go to the Policies > Host Integrity.

2. Create a new host integrity policy and add a policy name (Description).

3. Go to requirements and select the option "Always do host integrity checking" and click on "Add" under Host Integrity requirements.

4. Select the option "Custom requirement" under select requirement and click on "OK".

5. Under customized requirement script, right click "//Insert statements below:" and click on Add > IF..THEN

6. Under select a condition, select "Antivirus: Antivirus is installed" and for the name of the Antivirus, select the option "Symantec Endpoint Protection".

7. Select THEN > // INSERT statements here: and right click, then select Function > Utility: Run a script.

8. In the file name section, type "removesep.js".

9. In the Script content section, enter the below script: "$application = Get-WmiObject Win32_Product -filter "Name='Symantec Endpoint Protection'" $application.Uninstall()"

10. In execute the command section, type the following command "powershell -executionPolicy bypass -noexit -file %F%"

11. Check the option "Delete the temporary file after execution is completed or terminated" and optionally "Show a new process window"

12. Click "OK".

13. Once the policy is ready, assign to the desired group and allow for a couple of hour for the SEP to get uninstalled.

Warning: The instructions provided above are unsupported and are provided for convenience only. Before following these steps, it is strongly recommended you test these steps on a few machines, before applying your Host Integrity policy to all your groups.   Symantec Support is unable to provide direct assistance with use of these steps, or issues that arise out of its use.

Get-WmiObject Win32_Product | Where-Object{$_.Name -like 'Symantec*'}

Additional Information

This article describes how to uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) using Host Integrity Policy.  This can be used for bulk un-installation.

Note : Please disable the password before performing the un-installation process

Note: If the above steps don't work, name the script removesep.ps1 and change the body of the script to:
$application = Get-WmiObject Win32_Product | Where-Object{$_.Name -eq 'Symantec Endpoint Protection'}
stop-process -Id $

Then complete the rest of the steps mentioned above.

Additional note:  To check to see if the above script will find SEP, the following command can be run from powershell: 
Get-WmiObject Win32_Product | Where-Object{$_.Name -like 'Symantec*'}