Proactive Threat Protection fails to load for 14.2 MP1 Endpoint Protection clients running on Windows 2008 SP 2 x86/x64. This occurs for both 32-bit and 64-bit architecture.
This issue started on May 20th, 2022.
Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.2 MP1 client
Windows 2008 SP 2 x86/x64
Broadcom is no longer able to publish SONAR content compatible with Windows 2008 SP 2 x86/x64.
SONAR engine 12.3.069 is the last SONAR engine that is compatible with Windows 2008 SP 2 x86/x64.
Broadcom recommends that customers upgrade/migrate their Windows 2008 SP 2 x86/x64 servers to a newer/supported Windows operating system and install the latest version of Endpoint Protection.
If this is not possible customers should do the following:
Note that with this content locked, the SEPM will retain this signature set for one year before it gets purged. If this occurs the JDB file can be applied and locked in again if necessary.
See steps 3 and 4 in the Download .jdb files to update definitions for Endpoint Protection Manager document to apply the JDB file to the SEPM server.
Also see SONAR 12.3.0, CIDS 17.2.6, and ERASER 119.1.3 Operating System requirements for Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2