Trying to understand some difference in wildfly 8.0.1 and wildfly 15.0.1 to see impact on performance
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Trying to understand some difference in wildfly 8.0.1 and wildfly 15.0.1 to see impact on performance


Article ID: 246368


Updated On:


CA Identity Suite


We are trying to understand how would that impact our current environement the difference seen in the versions.

we are seeing:derbyembed in wildfly 15 and not in version 8


<driver name="derbyEmbed" module="">
     <remote connector-ref="http-remoting-connector" thread-pool-name="default" execute-in-worker="false"/>


why mod="Async" is present in version 8 and not in version 15. what would be the impact.

see screenshots.


Release : 14.4

Component : IdentityMinder(Identity Manager)


Supports answer:
While Broadcom did not create wildfly, it is an open-source product.
These questions would be best asked on the redhat forums.
I can answer differences in IdentityManager. Wildfly, Weblogic, or Websphere questions are best answered by the creators of the software.
Searching google mod="Async" was depricated and is no longer in use by wildfly.

This was not a change by Broadcom, but a change by the underlying third-party products.