Temporary PIDSTAT Linux command installation on a MOI appliance for resource usage collection and analysis
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Temporary PIDSTAT Linux command installation on a MOI appliance for resource usage collection and analysis


Article ID: 246302


Updated On:


Mainframe Operational Intelligence


Upgrade of the MOI 2.0.06 appliance microservices to MOI 2.1, an increase resource usage was reported for his MOI appliance after he upgraded to the MOI 2.1 release.   The pidstat linux command was needed in order to collect performance information on his VMWare machine.    It was not installed so a script that will install the command, get the output of the command to a file,  and uninstall it has been created.  This approach was taken to avoid permanent direct changes to the existing operating system.  


Release:  MOI 2.1 ( will only work with a MOI 2.0.06 appliance that has had it microservices only upgraded to MOI 2.1.   Operating system is still CENTOS with the MOI 2.0.06 installation configuration.  ) 


 Here are the command installation steps:

  1. Download the attached MOI_pidstat_command_installation_1658263569588.tgz file to system where MOI is installed 
  2. Untar using the following command:

              tar -zxvf MOI_pidstat_command_installation_1658263569588.tgz

  1. It will have a script (collect_disk_io_stats.sh ) and the pidstat RPM (sysstat-10.1.5-19.el7.x86_64. rpm)
  2. Execute the script:

              sh collect_disk_io_stats.sh


What the script does: 

  1. It will install the rpm for the pidstat command.  The pidstat command will then be available in the customer environment.
  2. Collects the stats with 300 sec wait time and for 2 iterations. 
  3. Sleep for 30 secs
  4. Again collect the stats with 300sec wait time and for 2 iterations.
  5. The output will be written in a file,  and the script before exiting will display the name of that file in the current directory. 
  6. Please upload the output file displayed in step 5 for review by MOI Engineering. 



MOI_pidstat_command_installation_1658263569588.tgz get_app