Rally: Character limit in Tags and Limitations
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Rally: Character limit in Tags and Limitations


Article ID: 246296


Updated On:


Rally SaaS


We had a user run into an error when trying to create Tags like “Responsibility & Accountability” They were getting a character limit of 32 being exceeded error. 

But other characters don't have these limitation issues when using (!,@,#,$,%): "Responsibility / Accountability, Responsibility @ Accountability, Responsibility & Accountability"


Release : Rally 

Component : SAAS


They are special considerations that need to be given when using upper ASCII characters such as backslashes and parenthesis.

The Tags field does have a character limit of 32,

"&" are being converted to "&" i.e. 4 characters being used and it is exceeding the tag's character limit and the same happens when you try to use "Responsibility > Accountability" as well.

This behavior is not considered as a Defect in Rally, it is only a limitation.


Additional Information

Here is a KB that will help you with the special characters: https://knowledge.broadcom.com/external/article/117801/rally-api-what-are-the-considerations-f.html