ZOWE CLI: System not found when using System Alias on a Multi-Branch mapping
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ZOWE CLI: System not found when using System Alias on a Multi-Branch mapping


Article ID: 246167


Updated On:


Endevor Brightside


Using System Alias on a Multi-Branch mapping where each branch is using the same System Alias, trying to add an element and get the following error:

zowe ebg mapping add-element gc893492 SystemAliasWorkEnvOnly --name PROGX1 --type cob --endevor-system EOCF2 --endevor-subsystem FACCC
Command Error:
System 'EOCF2' not found


Get the same error using different System/Subsystem names:

zowe ebg mapping add-element gc893492 SystemAliasWorkEnvOnly --name PROGX1 --type cob --endevor-system EOCF0 --endevor-subsystem FACCC
Command Error:
System 'EOCF0' not found.

zowe ebg mapping add-element gc893492 SystemAliasWorkEnvOnly --name PROGX1 --type cob --endevor-system EOCF --endevor-subsystem FACCC 
Command Error:
System 'EOCF' not found.




Release : 18.1

Component : BRIDGE FOR GIT 2.11.0

endevor-bridge-for-git-for-zowe-cli version: 2.5.0 


Use git status command to find out which branch is in use - EOCF1-DEV
git status
On branch EOCF1-DEV
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/EOCF1-DEV'.
From the mapping.json -  EOCF1-DEV branch maps to System EOCF1 (and not to EOCF0, nor EOCF2).


            "environment": "DEV",

            "name": "EOCF1-DEV",

            "readOnly": false,

            "stageNumber": 1,

            "workEnvironmentOnly": false,

            "systems": [


                    "name": "EOCF1",

                    "alias": "EOCF",

                    "subsystems": [


                            "name": "FACCC",

                            "filter": {

                                "elements": [],

                                "types": []




                            "name": "FACKC",

                            "filter": {

                                "elements": [],

                                "types": []







Trying to add an element in branch EOCF1-DEV from an unrelated System produces the expected error :
zowe ebg mapping add-element gc893492 SystemAliasWorkEnvOnly --name CPYB --type copy --endevor-system EOCF2 --endevor-subsystem FACCC
Command Error:
System 'EOCF2' not found.
Adding in branch EOCF1-DEV from the appropriate System works fine
zowe ebg mapping add-element gc893492 SystemAliasWorkEnvOnly --name CPYB --type copy --endevor-system EOCF1 --endevor-subsystem FACCC
Your request has been processed
return code: 0, message: Element 'EOCF1/FACCC/copy/CPYB' has been scheduled to be retrieved in branch 'EOCF1-DEV'.