Agent Metric Clamp
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Agent Metric Clamp


Article ID: 246070


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CA Application Performance Management (APM / Wily / Introscope)


Having several messages in our console about metric clamp in agents. In fact I have this message in every collector (we have 4 collectors).

However, it is strange because the collector with more metrics has 585.4k and the historical is approx 9M, and in our configuration, we have set the metrics live limit to 5.000.000, and the historical metrics to 50.000.000. So here is not the problem.. 

       <clamp id="">
                Per EM limit. Takes into account only live metrics (i.e. currently reporting from Agents)
            <threshold value="5000000"/>
        <clamp id="introscope.enterprisemanager.metrics.historical.limit">
                Per EM limit. Takes into account metrics with Smartstor data (i.e. live and historical metrics)
            <threshold value="50000000"/>

And if we see the metrics by agents, it is the same because the value bigger is 45k and the configuration for the clamp for the agents is 500.000

# Agent Metric Clamp Configuration
# ================
# The following setting configures the Agent to approximately clamp the number of metrics sent to the EM  
# If the number of metrics pass this metric clamp value then no new metrics will be created.  Old metrics will still report values.
# The value must be equal to or larger than 1000 to take effect. Lower value will be rejected.
# The default value is 5000. 
# You must restart the managed application before changes to this property take effect.

My problem is that if we have this clamp in the collector, then maybe, we are not receiving all metrics, Also, I have not seen the clamp symbol on the name of the agents in the investigator, so the only thing is to know is the status console.



Release : 10.7.0

Component : Introscope


Please try to install a workstation 10.7SP3/APM 10.8, and as a workaround for now, please use the Search Metric from Metric view so you would be able to see the metric count across all Agents. introscope.enterprisemanager.agent.metrics.limit raised