Resource - Last Name field size limit
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Resource - Last Name field size limit


Article ID: 246062


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise


The max limit of resource 'Last Name' field is 32 characters for any user in clarity. Is there any option by which this could be expended?


Clarity PPM 15.x, 16.x


This is a limitation, and can not be reconfigured a this time (the 32 limit is at the db and how the tables are set up).

Additional Information

Some information on this can be found on this post in the communities:

Niku database shows that the last_name field in the SRM_RESOURCES Table has a lenght of 96 character, but in the object definition is showing only 32 character máx.

If you would need this to be considered for a change by Product Managment and possibly include it in future releases, you might want to raise an idea:

Clarity PPM Product Management Customer Engagement