Dependency not working during weekend
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Dependency not working during weekend


Article ID: 246055


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CA Automic Dollar Universe


We are facing an issue where dependency configured did not work over the weekend and we are unable to understand this behavior.

Example: A dependency on job A (BW-I-00891) telling him that you must not start until job B (BW-I-00090) has completed successfully...

Yesterday, the dependency worked very well but today it did not work over the weekends.

As you can see, my job B (BW-I-00090) has completed at 07:05 A.M. but my job A (BW-I-00891) did not start after job A, it started at 03:58 A.M, just right when BW-I-00890 finished so the dependency did not work...


Release : 6.x



After acquiring uxtrace result and reviewing the same we observed you have wrong configuration while setting up dependency which is resulting in the above behavior. The behavior exhibited is as per configuration made.

1: The functional period in the *90 UPROC is set to NONE, henceforth the processing date is not calculated, which is required to ascertain dependents execution.

2: The dependency condition on conditioned UPROC i.e. UPROC *891 stating to check processing date on working days only, henceforth for non-working day as per calendar i.e. Saturday/Sunday the condition rule doesn't applied.


  • Set the functional period for the main job
  • Correct the dependency condition on the conditioned UPROC to also check on non-working days.

The other alternative to accomplish this is, to use session where you can map the parent-child relationship between nodes mapped to respective UPROC