UI Policy Type Policy Xpress policy doesn't set attribute value as expected
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UI Policy Type Policy Xpress policy doesn't set attribute value as expected


Article ID: 246046


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager


Policy Xpress (PX) policy which has "UI" Policy Type was invoked but doesn't execute the action to set attribute value as expected. When this problem happened, "Modify User" event didn't occur and wasn't shown up in the Task Details page in View Submitted Tasks.

The PX policy was invoked by submission of a custom Password Reset task that only enables users to reset password. This Password Reset task is configured in the PX policy's Events tab, i.e. Event State = Submission, Event Name = The Password Reset task.

Although password has been reset/modified using the custom Password Reset the problem persists.


Release : 14.3, 14.4

Component : IdentityMinder(Identity Manager)


We can resolve this problem by selecting "Do not generate a separate event for password changes" option on the "Configure Profile" page on "Tabs" tab of the Password Reset task that its submission is invoking the PX policy.

By selecting the "Do not generate a separate event for password changes" option we 'force' the "Modify User" event to occur upon password reset, which enable PX policy to execute the action properly. Or other wise, only "Reset password on user" event occurred.