View - SARDBI23 messages with Automation reply of "B"
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View - SARDBI23 messages with Automation reply of "B"


Article ID: 246023


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We had a situation where a View database showed to be between 99% and 100% used.

A dump was initiated.  

As the database is cleaned up, there are jobs with millions of lines of output still to be ingested.

We are looking for options.


Release : 14.0

Component : View


To issue a reply of "B" to a SARDBI23 message (to run a View backup), by automation, is one way of addressing the space problem. 

If the SARDBI23 message is received due to a DATA space problem, then you could run a SARDBASE ADDDS DATA job, to add more data space to the database. 

If the SARDBI23 message is received due to an INDEX space problem, then you could run a SARDBASE ADDDS INDEX job, to add more index space to the database. 

Running either of the above SARDBASE ADDDS jobs can be done "on the fly", as View would not need to be brought down in any way in order to add the space. 

If there are any processes that will remove large reports from disk (when the report is on both disk and tape), they should be either a process as dictated by View, or when you are manually deleting a report. 

In other words, there should be no automated process to delete a report from the disk layer.

With that, a View process can be dictated depending on how the View SARINIT parameters are set, or as to how report expirations are set based on the View ERO parameters. 


If the SARSTCUX exit is the default size, then please consider assembling the source from CVDEOPTN(SARSTCU6), to create the SARSTCUX. 

SARSTCU6 will check the first number in SARINIT MAXLINES and will write the report to tape if it is over the number of lines mentioned (MAXLINES=nnnnnnnn,,dddddddd). 

For example, you would have as SARINIT "MAXLINES=05000000,,00000000", to check on a size of 5 million lines. 

Note: Please make sure that the exit has been properly assembled and linked before starting the SARSTC task.


For the MAXLINES parameter, without having a customized SARXTCUX exit (from SARSTCU6), any lines that exceed the value in MAXLINES are sent to the bit-bucket.

With a customized SARSTCUX exit, when a report (in its full) exceeds the number of lines in MAXLINES, the full report will be written to tape.


To go with the new exit, as well, you can have TAPECLSL=x, choosing a class for tape.

Note: Here you can add a class to TAPECLSL, but it does not get added to SARINIT CLSL.