Does PDSMAN have a mechanism to enforce ISPF Stats for ALL PDS updates?
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Does PDSMAN have a mechanism to enforce ISPF Stats for ALL PDS updates?


Article ID: 246019


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Does PDSMAN have a mechanism to enforce ISPF Stats for ALL PDS updates?





Yes, updating of ISPF stats is controlled by the $UPDATE CONTROL=N/C/Y parameter.

You can specify this for selective datasets.



Additional Information

If $UPDATE CONTROL=N is active: COPY should not set new stats, but would copy any existing stats.

If $UPDATE CONTROL=C is active: COPY should always set new stats.

If $UPDATE CONTROL=Y is active: COPY should set new stats when member has no stats and should copy existing stats as is.

If Fileaid and FDM are not issuing STOW when performing a SCAN and REPLACE operation (our own SCAN/REPLACE utility, PDSM18, does not issue STOW when performing a replace in a PDS).

The point of this is that PDSMAN would not get control when the update is being done if STOW is not issued, so we could not enforce the $UPDATE rule settings (which are actioned during STOW).

The rule that would cause a message to be issued during STOW: $UPDATE LIB=- CONTROL=C MODE=W the MODE=W would cause PDSM021-1 messages to be issued when a member is updated.

$UPDATE Control Statement description can be found in the PDSMAN Administrator Guide - Appendix A: Initialization Control Statements A–63