ETC Details items grow when saving from MSP
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ETC Details items grow when saving from MSP


Article ID: 245862


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


The ETC Details grow significantly when using a Fixed Duration task after saving a project from MSP to Clarity. When this occurs for multiple assignments in large projects, the XML gets very large. In this situation, using a baseline would make the result extremely large and can cause issues while opening or saving projects in Microsoft Project.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create a new project (e.g.: 7/13/2022 - 7/13/2023) and add one resource to the team.
  2. Create a new Fixed Duration task (e.g.: same dates) and assign the resource.
  3. Adjust the assignment to use Uniform Loading Pattern, and the ETC to a different number (e.g.: 24 hours).
  4. Check the Assignment Properties and observe that there is one ETC Detail entry from 7/13/2022 to 7/13/2023 with a value of 24.
  5. Open the project in Microsoft Project.
  6. Without doing any change, save the project back to Clarity.

Expected Results: The ETC Details have not been changed.

Actual Results: Instead of a single entry in the ETC Detail, many more appear, up to daily detail. When the project is opened again in Microsoft Project the XML size is bigger.


Release : 16.0.2

Component : Clarity Microsoft Project (MSP)


This has been confirmed by Microsoft that it is working as per their design.

You may contact Broadcom Support and reference this KB article for a workaround that could help in certain scenarios.