You have decreased the inspection content size but the settings aren't changing as expected
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You have decreased the inspection content size but the settings aren't changing as expected


Article ID: 245840


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Data Loss Prevention Enforce


You have followed instructions about changing the content size for you DLP Detection Server, as given on this help center topic:

Increasing the inspection content size (

But after previously increasing the size from default, you are trying to reduce the inspection content size for your DLP Detection Server.

The slider setting is being saved as expected, but the associated Advanced Settings which are supposed to be adjusted downward are not changing as expected (see screenshot in Additional Information below).


Data Loss Prevent Enforce Server 15.7+


In some cases, one might need to adjust the inspection sizing downward due to reduced RAM capacity - there is an issue, however, in this aspect of the feature.

This is a known issue, which is expected to be corrected in a future release of DLP.



Before the RAM is reduced, reduce the Inspection Content size to its lowest setting (30MB).

Reduce the system RAM and restart the Detection Server.

Going back into the UI, change the Inspection Content size to the highest setting allowed* with the new RAM (i.e., the reduced amount which will be in use after the change).

*To confirm the highest setting allowed, please review this document: Symantec_DLP_15.8_Tuning_Guidelines_for_Inspecting_Large_Files.pdf (

Additional Information


Depiction of the Server Setting when the inspection content size is set to highest setting in the UI (2 GB):