RAI IGYOS4020-W   The "OFFSET" option was discarded due to option conflict resolution.
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RAI IGYOS4020-W   The "OFFSET" option was discarded due to option conflict resolution.


Article ID: 245823


Updated On:


Smart Restart


While running the sample job CRAIJCL(SRSBIVPS) it ended with CC=4. In JCL it is documented that the condition code of COBOL steps should be cc=0. Also  there are  some Unresolved Symbols in LKED steps and only DCADBRM2(SRSSAMPQ) has output and all other members SRSSAMPA, SRS8CMA, SRS8CMB, SRS8CMC, SRS8CV are empty. Is this by design? Here are some of the messages:

P2. COBOL Compiler  . . Compile the sample COBOL source module    RC = 0  . . . . . . For all programs                      

PP 5655-S71 IBM Enterprise COBOL for z/OS  4.2.0                                 
Invocation parameters:                                                                                                      
IGYOS4020-W   The "OFFSET" option was discarded due to option conflict resolution.  The "LIST" option from compiler 
invocation parameter took precedence.                                                                 





Release : 20.0

Component : Smart/Restart


IGYOS4020-W   The "OFFSET" option was discarded due to option conflict resolution is by design.  The "LIST" option from compiler invocation parameter took precedence. It's Ok to ignore this warning. The unresolved Symbols in LKED steps and no output for members SRSSAMPA,SRS8CMA, SRS8CMB SRSCMC,SRS8CV can also be ignored. This is by design because there is no SQL to process. If you do a find on SQL In SRSSAMP you'll see there is SQL there to process.