Symantec Directory : WARN : Idle association xxxxx (-) timed out after xxxxx seconds
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Symantec Directory : WARN : Idle association xxxxx (-) timed out after xxxxx seconds


Article ID: 245717


Updated On:


CA Directory


You may wonder what is causing the following warning messages appear in your DSA warn log and trying to find a root cause of this time out.

WARN : Idle association 33289 (-) timed out after 26007 seconds


Release : 14.1

Component : CA Directory


This warning is displayed when an inbound DSP or connection association exceeds the idle time limit. The idle time limit for an inbound DSP association is either "dsp-idle-time" or "multi-write-dsp-idle-time" (if set), by default this is 600 seconds. When this is triggered for user-idle-time the default is 3600 seconds. 

The time in the message is the age of the association. 

Using the above as an example "WARN : Idle association 33289 (-) timed out after 26007 seconds"

The time in the message is the age of the association.

In this case the association #33289 has been up for 433.45 minutes (i.e. 26007/60) , but has had no activity for the last 10 minutes (600 seconds) and has therefore been closed. 

This happens to save connection pool. When an activity occurs on a DSA thread, a connection is immediately been establish so there is no effect on the end user. In short, this is just an informational message and can safely be ignored.