Within the ACT (Application Characteristic Table), there is a LABEL field that shows as the 'Session Description' on the users TPX menu:
After updating the value, and reloading the ACT, the new description did not change on the menu, why?
Release : 5.4
Component : TPX for z/OS
There are 3 levels where the LABEL 'Session Description' field could be changed. The place where the change was made could have been overridden.
ACT - Application Characteristics Table, update the Label for applications. Reload the ACT in TPXOPER, logoff and logon.
Profile - This overrides the ACT. TPX Application Session Options, update the SESSION LABEL on the 2nd page. Reload the Profile in TPXOPER, logoff and logon.
User - This overrides the ACT and User level. Go into User Maintenance, Session options. Update the LABEL on page 2 of the TPX Userid Maintenance Detail Panel for the session.
Logoff and logon.