Hello - I am looking to run the DBUTLTY on our SYSPLEX environment. I'm currently drawing a blank on the location of the JCL for setting up my job.
I currently have Datacom AD Release 15.1 installed on our Test system and am about to install it on two other systems, and want to check what might be running there.
I want to run the DBUTILITY Report MEMORY=MVS to show me that I only have a MUF set up on the first system.
Component : Datacom/AD
If you followed the Installation instructions about running job AXCUS00 to create the customized files, you would have created Custom.HLQ.INSTJCL, and the member you are looking for is AD15SVCR.
The Custom.HLQ. should be the same as your CUSMAC or CUSLIB file in use within the MUF or your base product that uses Datacom/AD.
As always, please contact Broadcom support for Datacom if you have further questions.