The 15.8 MP3 keyview file is older than the 15.8 MP2 version
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The 15.8 MP3 keyview file is older than the 15.8 MP2 version


Article ID: 245595


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Data Loss Prevention Core Package Data Loss Prevention Data Loss Prevention Enforce


You are upgrading DLP on Linux from 15.8 MP2 or MP1 to 15.8 MP3 manually using RPM due to the relocates.

When you run the RPM to install the keyview file it throws a warning saying that a newer version is already applied.



Release: 15.8


Our naming convention makes it look like the version is older in 15.8 MP3 than in 15.8 MP1 or 15.8 MP2 when they are actually the same. 


The keyview package version has not changed since it was shipped in 15.8 MP1.  
What actually has changed is the name we give it.  
We append only the last 5 digits of the MP build number to the keyview package name.

For 15.8 MP3 the build number is 15.8.00300-01040 so the keyview is symantec-dlp-keyview-12-5-
15.8 MP2 is  15.8.00200-01086 so the keyview is symantec-dlp-keyview-12-5-
15.8 MP1 is 15.8.00100-01075 so the keyview is symantec-dlp-keyview-12-5-

The actual keyview version is keyview-12-5-

If upgrading to 15.8 MP3 from 15.8 MP1 or 15.8 MP2 and using (highly recommended when applying mp), keyview will not be updated as the version has not changed.  
Keyview will be updated if upgrading from 15.8 GA as the version has changed.

If you have relocated, you can use the following parameters with

-i Path to installation directory (Default: /opt/Symantec/DataLossPrevention)
-d Path to data directory (Default: /var/Symantec/DataLossPrevention)
-l Path to logs directory (Default: /var/log/Symantec/DataLossPrevention)
-r Path to run directory (Default: /var/run/Symantec/DataLossPrevention)
-s Path to spool directory (Default: /var/spool/Symantec/DataLossPrevention)

If you use rpm, you don't have to install the keyview rpm or you can ignore the warning as the actual keyview version has not changed in 15.8 MP1, MP2, or MP3.