uniexp fails with Error while extracting ObjectNotFoundException on some objects
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uniexp fails with Error while extracting ObjectNotFoundException on some objects


Article ID: 245484


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


A node on version 5 is migrated to a newly installed version 6 node with a uniexp full that extracts all objects from all enabled areas on the node.
While doing so, several tasks based on uprocs cannot be exported and fail with the errors below in the uniexp full output:

extracting [][][   ][UPROCNAME1][001][C][true] ... Error while extracting task null. com.orsyp.api.ObjectNotFoundException: Object not found - TaskId:[][][   ][UPROCNAME1][001][C][true] - [COMPANY/NODE/A]
extracting [][][   ][UPROCNAME2][001][C][true] ... Error while extracting task null. com.orsyp.api.ObjectNotFoundException: Object not found - TaskId:[][][   ][UPROCNAME2][001][C][true] - [COMPANY/NODE/A]
extracting [][][   ][UPROCNAME3][001][I][true] ... Error while extracting task null. com.orsyp.api.ObjectNotFoundException: Object not found - TaskId:[][][   ][UPROCNAME3][001][I][true] - [COMPANY/NODE/A]
extracting [][][   ][UPROCNAME4][001][O][true] ... Error while extracting task null. com.orsyp.api.ObjectNotFoundException: Object not found - TaskId:[][][   ][UPROCNAME4][001][O][true] - [COMPANY/NODE/A]


Release : 5.x



Corrupted objects


The below error

extracting [][][][UPROCNAME][001][C][true] ... Error while extracting task null. com.orsyp.api.ObjectNotFoundException: Object not found - TaskId:[][][][UPROCNAME][001][C][true] - [COMPANY/NODE/A]

means that the task with the above name is corrupted and cannot be exported.

The same can be checked with a command "uxshw tsk" or trying to display the impacted Task via the GUI (UVC or Motif or GCO).

In order to fix the issue, there are several options possible:

  1. Export only the healthy tasks to a XML and reimport then later on the newer node
  2. Since this Area of the node may have other objects as well corrupted, maybe it does not make any sense to do a export of this area objects and import them in the newer node
  3. Reinitialize the task data files (u_fmta50, u_fmpl50) from the impacted area after having backuped/exported the healthy tasks and reimport them in the newer empty files.

Additional Information

The same kind of errors could appear with some other objects (resources, sessions, uprocs...) and the same approach should be taken.