CA Directory - itechpoz Fails to start - EID 271986743 is too large at 000000000FCE17D2 (000000000FCE0000)
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CA Directory - itechpoz Fails to start - EID 271986743 is too large at 000000000FCE17D2 (000000000FCE0000)


Article ID: 245425


Updated On:


Autosys Workload Automation


The CA Directory - itechpoz fails to start with the following message in the Event Log: 

Assertion failed (r:/





Component : Embedded Entitlements Manager


We see the following in the itechpoz_warn_20220630.log 

[84] 20220630.132256.540 WARN : max-local-ops has no effect
[84] 20220630.132256.540 WARN : max-dsp-ops has no effect
[84] 20220630.132256.680 WARN : Loading cache
[84] 20220630.132303.228 WARN : Datastore was created at: 20190315053550Z
[84] 20220630.132303.228 WARN : Datastore was created for: itechpoz
[84] 20220630.132303.278 WARN : EID 271986743 is too large at 000000000FCE17D2 (000000000FCE0000)
[84] 20220630.132303.284 WARN : Disabling cache prior to exit

The "too large" message points to corruption in your EEM datastore.

A) Make a back up C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SC\Directory\dxserver\data\itechpoz before doing anything further.

B) You can try to run the following from a DOS Window
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SC\Directory\dxserver\bin"
dxdumpdb -f itechpoz_new.ldif itechpoz
dxloaddb itechpoz itechpoz_old.ldif
then try to restart the dxserver.
Check the itechpoz_warn_20220701.log to make sure the "too large" error is gone.
If it is then you can try to restart igateway and see if EEM is available.
If the "too large" message persists move to step C.

C) restore C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SC\Directory\dxserver\data\itechpoz from a backup.