CA API Developer Portal 4.5 - Unlock And Reset Portals 'centos' OS User Password
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CA API Developer Portal 4.5 - Unlock And Reset Portals 'centos' OS User Password


Article ID: 245301


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CA API Developer Portal


This KB will guide you on unlocking and resetting the portals 'centos' os users password if unknown.

Sometimes the default 'centos' user is locked due to failed login attempts or the password is unknown and thus no one can log on to the portal server.


CA API Developer Portal 4.5


Connect to your VM Console and restart the Portal OVA.

As soon as the boot process starts, press ESC to bring up the GRUB boot prompt. You may need to turn the system off from the control panel and then back on to reach the GRUB boot prompt.
You will see a GRUB boot prompt - press "e" to edit the first boot option. (If you do not see the GRUB prompt, you may need to press any key to bring it up before the machine boots)
Find the kernel line (starts with "linux16"), and add the following to the end of that line:
Press CTRL-X or F10 to boot single user mode.
Access the system with the commands:
# mount -o remount,rw /sysroot
# chroot /sysroot
Reset the portals centos user password and unlock centos user.  
# passwd centos
# faillock --user centos --reset
# touch /.autorelabel
Reboot the system: reboot –f

You should now be able to logon to your Portal Server using the 'centos' user and the password you set.