After applying CP06 patch on top of 4.3.05 version, PasswordEncryption.bat file throws below error:
Release : 4.3.05 CP06
Component : Process Automation
The PasswordEncryption.bat file uses log4j-1.x jar file from path: ".c2orepository/.c2ocommonresources/lib/log4j/jars/"
In CP06 patch, log4j component is upgraded to version 2.17.1 from 1.2.15 and PasswordEncryption.bat file was not updated with the new jar filename.
1. Open the PasswordEncryption.bat file in notepad++
2. Check the line 15 (starts with %JAVA_HOME%) for "log4j-1.2.15.jar" entry, it looks like:
3. The CP06 environment contains below files under: <PAM installation location>/server/c2o/.c2orepository/.c2ocommonresources/lib/log4j/jars/
a. log4j-1.2-api-2.17.1.jar
b. log4j-api-2.17.1.jar
c. log4j-core-2.17.1.jar
4. You need to update the PasswordEncryption.bat file to reflect the above 3 jar filenames as:
5. Save the file and test the PasswordEncryption.bat again.