Symantec Identity Manager - Remote VAPP JCS/CCS Connector Servers fails to start after applying 14.4 CP1 patch
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Symantec Identity Manager - Remote VAPP JCS/CCS Connector Servers fails to start after applying 14.4 CP1 patch


Article ID: 245196


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Suite


After applying 14.4 CP1 patch the remote Java Connector Server/C++ Connector server (JCS/CCS) does not start up properly.

[06:52:49.635:00000DE8] loaded module eTrustAdminServer.dll
[06:52:49.635:00000DE8] module eTrustAdminServer.dll: null module registered
[06:52:49.635:00000DE8] line 112 (database          etrustadmin)
[06:52:49.635:00000DE8] database etrustadmin initialization failed.
[06:52:49.651:00000DE8] slapd stopped.
[06:52:49.651:00000DE8] connections_destroy: nothing to destroy.


Release : 14.4

Component : IdentityMinder(Identity Manager)


This can happen when the ETPKI CP1 patch is not applied, follow the below guide to update it on the remote connector servers.

Windows Guide:
1) Take backup of "libcaopenssl_crypto.dll", "libcaopenssl_ssl.dll", "libcapki.dll", "libcapki_ipthread.dll", and "libcapki_thread.dll" folder from "\SharedComponents Installed 
Location\ETPKI\CAPKI\CAPKI5\Windows\x86\32\lib" (Default location: C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SharedComponents\ETPKI)
2) Copy the provided "libcaopenssl_crypto.dll", "libcaopenssl_ssl.dll", "libcapki.dll", "libcapki_ipthread.dll", and "libcapki_thread.dll" folder to "\SharedComponents Installed 

Linux Guide: 
1) Take backup of "", "", "" and "" from "Connector Server Installed  Location/CAPKI5/Linux/x86/32/lib" (Default location: opt\CA\SharedComponents\ETPKI)
2) Copy the provided "", "", "" and "" to "Connector Server Installed Location/CAPKI5/Linux/x86/32/lib"