Spectrum CABI install fails with 19031 / 19033 During Postgres DB Installation.
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Spectrum CABI install fails with 19031 / 19033 During Postgres DB Installation.


Article ID: 245154


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


CABI 7.9.1 installation fails to non default installation path with the following errors:

2022-06-06 08:04:21 INFO  CABIProcessBuilder.cabiProcess():86 - cabiProcess method returned with value-1
2022-06-06 08:04:21 ERROR ConfigurePostgresql.initializePostgres():79 - Error in configuring postgresql database
2022-06-06 08:04:21 ERROR ComponentInstall.configurePostgres():486 - com.ca.bicoe.cajasperserver.install.preinstall.utils.CABIException
2022-06-06 08:04:21 DEBUG ProgressThread.run():88 - Error code from component install is: 1
2022-06-06 08:04:21 DEBUG ProgressThread.run():90 - Getting the error codes list from CABIInstallException object
2022-06-06 08:04:21 INFO  ProgressThread.run():93 - Error code is: 19031
2022-06-06 08:04:21 ERROR CABIUtil.printCABIException():109 - ErrorCode : 19031   ErrorMessage : 
2022-06-06 08:04:21 ERROR CABIUtil.printCABIException():109 - ErrorCode : 19033   ErrorMessage : 
2022-06-06 08:04:21 DEBUG ProgressThread.run():95 - Error key is: ERROR_CONFIGURE_POSTGRESQL
2022-06-06 08:04:21 DEBUG ProgressThread.run():97 - Error message is: 
2022-06-06 08:04:21 INFO  ProgressThread.run():103 - 1
2022-06-06 08:04:21 DEBUG RollBackInstallation.install():98 - Getting the error codes list from CABIInstallException object
2022-06-06 08:04:21 DEBUG RollBackInstallation.install():104 - Error code occured during the installation is: 19031
2022-06-06 08:04:21 INFO  RollBackInstallation.triggerRollbackForInstallation():141 - Starting rollback operation
2022-06-06 08:04:21 INFO  RollBackInstallation.triggerRollbackForInstallation():143 - error code is: 19031
2022-06-06 08:04:21 INFO  UninstallProgress.deleteFolders():901 - deleteFolders method invoked with arguments: path -/home/spectrum/SharedComponents/CABI
2022-06-06 08:04:21 DEBUG UninstallProgress.deleteFolders():903 - Deleting the directory with path -/home/spectrum/SharedComponents/CABI
2022-06-06 08:04:21 DEBUG UninstallProgress.deleteFolders():905 - Successfully deleted the directory with path -/home/spectrum/SharedComponents/CABI
2022-06-06 08:04:21 INFO  UninstallProgress.deleteFolders():906 - deleteFolders method completed successfully


Release : 21.2.x, 22.2.x

Component : Jaspersoft for CA Spectrum


There are 2 possible causes:

1- The "postgres" linux user does not have permissions to install home path;

2- The "postgres" linux user was not created by the CABI installation process (even seeing the following message in the installation log):

2023-04-27 14:56:12 INFO  ComponentInstall.createLinuxUser():1046 - Adding user postgres-9

In this case, we initially tried to create manually the "postgres" user but we got the following message:

However, we checked in Linux, and the "postgres" group also did not exist.


Solution for cause #1:

1. login as root in console.

2. run in console: 
    a. su postgres
    b. cd /home/spectrum/SharedComponents

3. Make sure that postgres user has all permissions to go to /home/spectrum/SharedComponents directory.

4. Change permissions if necessary.

5. Open other console as root and try to install the cabi again.

Solution for cause #2:

Create manually the postgres linux user in O.S. 

In this case, we had to create the postgres user by using the following syntax:

If the problem still remains, please contact the Broadcom Support team.