caf fails to start on Suse Linux
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caf fails to start on Suse Linux


Article ID: 245129


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation


caf fails to start with error

"Starting caf daemon..."
The command failed.

caf status returns 

"This command cannot be executed because the caf daemon is not running."


"Failed to connect to the local caf services."


In TRC_CF_CAF_SERVICE_*.log there are these lines :

CAF_SERVIC|caf          |caf          |000000|INFO   | CFPipeMessenger::connectPipe: creating pipe Global\U-CAFAPI_PIPE
CAF_SERVIC|cfOSServices |cfOSServices |000000|DETAIL | CIpcCommon::GetIPCKey: Opened existing IPC object 0x000ca046 00000002 sem_mtx_cafCLIrunning
CAF_SERVIC|caf          |caf          |000000|INFO   | CFCaf::initPipeMessenger: CLI detected: waiting for it to connect to pipe
CAF_SERVIC|caf          |caf          |000000|DETAIL | CFCaf::initPipeMessenger: [0] waiting for CLI to connect to pipe
CAF_SERVIC|cfOSServices |cfOSServices |000000|INFO   | CCFOSPipe::WaitForConnection: pipe connected OK
CAF_SERVIC|cafutils     |cafutils     |000000|INFO   | caf_readPipe: The pipe has been closed from the other end
CAF_SERVIC|caf          |caf          |000000|DETAIL | CFCaf::initPipeMessenger: [1] waiting for CLI to connect to pipe
CAF_SERVIC|             |             |000000|DETAIL | CFPipeMessenger::connectPipe: entered
CAF_SERVIC|caf          |caf          |000000|INFO   | CFPipeMessenger::connectPipe: creating pipe Global\U-CAFAPI_PIPE
CAF_SERVIC|caf          |caf          |000000|DETAIL | CFCaf::initPipeMessenger: [2] waiting for CLI to connect to pipe
CAF_SERVIC|caf          |caf          |000000|DETAIL | CFCaf::initPipeMessenger: [3] waiting for CLI to connect to pipe
CAF_SERVIC|caf          |caf          |000000|DETAIL | CFCaf::initPipeMessenger: [28] waiting for CLI to connect to pipe
CAF_SERVIC|caf          |caf          |000000|DETAIL | CFCaf::initPipeMessenger: [29] waiting for CLI to connect to pipe
CAF_SERVIC|caf          |caf          |000000|INFO   | CFCaf::initPipeMessenger: CLI connected: FAILED
CAF_SERVIC|cfOSServices |cfOSServices |000000|DETAIL | CIpcCommon::RemoveIPCKey: Closing and destroying IPC object 0x000ca046 001


And in TRC_CF_CAF_CMD_*.log there are these lines :

CAF_CMD |cfCafApi     |             |000000|INFO   | CFPipeMessenger::init: initialising pipe messaging
CAF_CMD |cfCafApi     |             |000000|INFO   | CFPipeMessenger::init: [0] connecting to caf service's pipe: Global\U-CAFAPI_PIPE
CAF_CMD |cfOSServices |cfOSServices |000000|INFO   | CCFOSPipe::Open: opening pipe: Global\U-CAFAPI_PIPE
CAF_CMD |cfOSServices |cfOSServices |000000|INFO   | CCFOSPipe::Open: pipe opened OK
CAF_CMD |cfCafApi     |             |000000|INFO   | CFPipeMessenger::init: connected OK to caf service's pipe: Global\U-CAFAPI_PIPE
CAF_CMD |cfOSServices |cfOSServices |000000|DETAIL | Unable to find X server for session 10
CAF_CMD |cafutils     |cafutils     |000000|INFO   | caf_writePipe: Unable to get the URI. Session ID: 10
CAF_CMD |cfCafApi     |             |000000|ERROR  | CFPipeMessenger::init: Unable to get user in session
CAF_CMD |             |             |000000|DETAIL | CFPipeMessenger::init: returned: false
CAF_CMD |cfCafApi     |             |000000|INFO   | CCFCafApi::InitMessaging: returned: 130: CAFAPI_PIPECONNECTFAILED: Failed to connect to the local caf service.
CAF_CMD |             |             |000000|DETAIL | CFCafCLI::start: returned: 130
CAF_CMD |cfCafApi     |             |000000|INFO   | CFUI::tellUserMsg: The command failed.
CAF_CMD |             |             |000000|DETAIL | CFCafCLI::processCafCLI: returned: 130


Client Automation 14.x on Suse Linux Enterprise Server


This problem occurs if command "caf start" is executed from a remote machine connected using SSH and with option "X11 forwarding"


On SSH client check if option "X11 forwarding" could be disabled.
Example in Putty :
Do not check option "Enable X11 forwarding"



on Linux Server machine disable X11Forwarding option in SSH server :
- Edit file /etc/ssh/sshd_config
vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- Research the parameter X11Forwarding and set it to no :
X11Forwarding no
- Restart sshd service 
systemctl restart sshd
