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Article ID: 245076


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SYSVIEW Performance Management


To set/save our EMAILID, we use the following process:

In SYSVIEW, from the "Primary Option Menu" display, issue the "Profile "cmd

select  "GENERAL" ===>

select "Miscellaneous" ===>

do a find "Email ID" and put your email address there

save the changes by pressing PF3


Once we began using the profile data library *.CNM4BPDL, didn't that mean the *.CNM4BPRF dataset was only to be used until all user profile were migrated to the newer CNM4BPDL?  If that is so, why is the EMAIL saved in the profile data CNM4BPRF and not the CNM4BPDL dataset?


Release : 16.0

Component : SYSVIEW


Updates to the PROFILE only get saved after logging off of SYSVIEW, unless the PROFILE SAVE command is issued, which causes the save to be immediate.  

To verify the change, first determine the member ID associated with the profile.  Enter the LIB command.   Scroll down to the PROFLIB dataset and Select it.   The resulting screen will show the member name in the PROFLIB that is associated with each userId.   For instance here you can see that Profile XXXX01 is associated with member DM0000023:

 ============================================================================================================================== Lvl 3 Row 19-26/26 Col 1-159/25
 Formats DEFAULT CLEANUP                                                                                                                                       
 Datalib   HLQ.SYSVIEW.R160.CNM4BPDL                                                                                                                          
 Pages   900     Inuse 352     39%                                                                                                                             
 Cmd      DataId                     System   SSId Bld    Description                  Status          Member   Vers Fmt  Type    Length  Number   Total Pages UpCount UpDate   
               PROFILE_XXXX01   =        =       2003 Profile                          CURRENT  D0000023    0   BLK HEX     2923       1            3403     1      36          06/29/22 


Next browse the D0000023 member in the **.CNM4BPDL dataset and do a find on the email address to verify that it was changed.