Customizations in Clarity and Support (policy)
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Customizations in Clarity and Support (policy)


Article ID: 245068


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


The functionality in Clarity is not working the way you would like OOTB and you want to update the tables directly or the Clarity files to be able to do it


Release : Any Releases


  • Any customization to Clarity file code or direct SQL table updates are unsupported
  • Recommendations on how to do a customization, or requests on which tables to update are equally out of scope of Support. We cannot advise on how to do something that is unsupported
  • You can leave things as they are and use the functionality as it is (recommended)

If you really need this change, the options below:

    • You can bring up the use case to Product Management on Innovation calls and request an enhancement to the Product
    • You can engage a partner to develop the code for you if you cannot complete this internally


  • If you develop a customization, Support is not responsible for your customization.
  • If there is an issue due to your customization, Support is not responsible to fix the issue and may request you to remove it for troubleshooting or altogether
  • The developer of the customization will be responsible to support and maintain the customization, also test it with every new Clarity release and update accordingly


Additional Information

Our Broadcom Modification Policy with full details