R12 DVD WCC not detecting for Upgrade Autosys Web UI
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R12 DVD WCC not detecting for Upgrade Autosys Web UI


Article ID: 245049


Updated On:


Autosys Workload Automation


Unable to install Autosys Web UI in Non-Default path /app/CA instead WCC is installing in default path /opt/CA


Release : 12.0

Component :


Run the DVD again to detect WCC component.

Otherwise an alternate option is to upgrade after executing below article steps and shell script:


To Download Shell Script:



When running the WCC upgrade r12, we were not able to detect the WCC post running the Non-default path script

Hence on SSA, WAAE SDK detecting to upgrade.

To Resolve the issue, 

Based on cawa_installer.log  from tmp folder, We were able to identify three issues and fixed them as below to resolve 

1. Prior to running the R12 DVD for WCC upgrade, we have identified that PRM's had been removed by previous install under $CASHCOMP/installer/administration/admi/CAWorkloadAutomationAE/11.3.6*

As part of Solution we have copied CAWorkloadAutomationAE & CAWorkloadAutomationAE-SDK from an existing Server

2. Renamed Globalvars file under $AUTOSYS path

3. Corrected the path in Profile.CA

Post this changes It detected the WCC product.

Upgraded WCC Successfully.