Deliver - Bundle posting job not posting after change to use all post-spool processing
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Deliver - Bundle posting job not posting after change to use all post-spool processing


Article ID: 245044


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We have a new issue since converting to all post-spool processing.

One of our daily jobs creates a bundle, then kicks off a job to post the bundle, then Deliver kicks off the job to print the bundle. 

Since changing from pre-spool processing, now the bundle post job does not find the bundle. 

When we kick off the post job at a later time, it finds the bundle and processes it. 

It seems as if we need to wait before kicking off the bundle post job. In CA7, we kick off the post job when the bundle creation job finishes. 

Can you offer insight as to why post-spool processing may require us to wait on the bundle?


Release : 14.0

Component : Deliver


The client moved all of their Deliver processing to post-spool processing and, as a result, timing of events changed to later, as the post-spool processing takes longer than pre-spool processing, due to needing to use the JES spool.

The bundle was created and put on the spool, the job ended and CA7 kicked off the bundle to be posted, however the bundle was not found because it was still waiting for Deliver to process it. 

When the client was using pre-spool processing, the bundle would be in Deliver at the time the bundle-creating job completed.

Their solution was to add a delay to the start of the bundle posting job, so that Deliver would be given the required time to create the bundle.